A little ditty about what Makeup to Go is all about and what we’re doing around here…

Let’s take a little journey back in time, shall we?…
If you only know of Makeup to Go via the Instagram account, you may not know about our history. In short, Makeup to Go started right as I was signing to my first agency as a way to continue to provide services to my private clientele. A lot of working with my private clients involved a lot of instruction about makeup, and also during this time I had people ask me about becoming a professional makeup artists themselves, so I was like “let me see about teaching private lessons, etc.” Basically Makeup to Go (MTG for short) very much started out in my mind as a βside gigβ along side my career as an on-set media makeup artist. But a funny thing happens whenever you put focus into it; you get pretty darn good at it. As time went on and I kept teaching I got known as a teacher, sometimes even more so than a makeup artist. James Vincent actually referred to me as one of his favorite makeup educators one time. Wow 😮.
So what happened?
Chyle, in a word, everything. Personal, professional, industry, ALL OF THE THINGS. I’ll leave it to future posts to go into the specifics but basically I was short on time, lacking in direction, and very very confused about where Makeup to Go might fit in the new makeup landscape. The popular Social Media mantra is to always “show up” and “keep going”, but my reality was I needed to take a step back, evaluate what is important to me about Makeup to Go, and figure out the best way to go about it not only for me but for the folks I want to communicate with and to serve. All roads led me back to the Blog…The Blog is my baby and really the cornerstone of what Makeup to Go is about. I love Instagram, I still have love for Twitter, but Home is where the heart is, and the Blog is Makeup to Go’s Home.
The fear, of course, is that this new incarnation of Makeup to Go Blog will not find an audience and it will fail, and that my site and new ventures will fail, and that three months of work will be for nothing. That would really suck. HOWEVER – as I frequently tell my students – you gotta do it anyway. First of all, I’ve been taking classes and prepping myself for this new incarnation for a while so I don’t actually believe it will fail. But secondly and more importantly; Nothing ever happens in this or any other profession if you don’t put your all into it and put yourself out there. As the old book says “Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway” (which is a great book btw. If you check it out via the link above please note that’s an Affiliate Link).
Cool. So then What The Heck Is A Makeup to Go Anyway?
Makeup to Go Blog is a hub Dedicated to the Art and Craft of Makeup, from the perspective of working makeup artists. MTG talks about the nuts and bolts of being a pro makeup artist – products, marketing, set life, etc. – as well as what inspires and motivates us as artists, what’s happening within beauty culture, and any other thoughts on Pro Makeup Artistry and the Beauty Biz that strikes our fancy. What does any of this mean in 2019-2020? Don’t know yet, that remains to be seen. What I do know is Pro makeup artists should not be relegated to the sidelines with regards to discussions about makeup. Our voice is unique and powerful and I believe there are plenty of folks interested in hearing it.
Great! Where Do We Go From Here?
Good question! I’m not 100% sure yet, but I’m about 90% sure so that’s good enough 😄. Makeup to Go is based on my 20 years of being a pro makeup artist and the belief that while pro makeup artistry is certainly ever evolving, there are core principles, skills, and techniques that should never die. I believe it’s the obligation of veteran artists to share their knowledge with emerging artists. I believe it’s the obligation of beauty professionals to have thoughtful discussions on beauty culture and beauty diversity. AND I believe there is a beauty community interested in content beyond that latest eyeshadow palette release. Now don’t get me wrong – I love product too! But there are lots of folks already doing that kind of content quite well, and also I’d wager that many Beauty Pros and aspiring Beauty Pros are willing, ready, and able to dig a bit deeper.
As for the Blog content;
– I’m not going to try to post as often as I did back in the day because that’s one of the things that made me meshuggy and caused me to stop posting altogether. We’re going for Quality not Quantity these days, so look for around one post a week to start.
– I’m a big believer in Product Knowledge and technique as opposed to trend items so we will do relevant product reviews and demos, hopefully increasingly video based.
– The main areas of discussion on the Makeup to Go Blog have always been product knowledge, Beauty Business and art and inspiration. I’m pretty sure #MakeupMonday is a relic from yesteryear so we’ll retire that one, and art and inspo posts seem to work better on the ‘Gram, but Biz Talk is still on the books. The main product-related column will be the return of Skinwerks(tm) which I am hecka excited for!
– Community is truly everything in this wacky Beauty Business, and as such my community of artist friends are going to help me by contributing to the Blog 😄. I’m looking forward to collabos with my peers working in various aspects of the business so they can share their insights and perspectives, and I’m also looking forward to contributions from some of my former students who are now working artists, so we can hear what it’s like to be an artist in the Millennial generation.
– I am still a Makeup Philosopher so expect periodic rants, raves, and essays about whatever I may need to rant, rave, and essay about.
And the rest we’ll play by ear and watch how things evolve.
As excited as I am about what I have in mind, here’s where I need you to come in…
ENGAGE WITH US! We want to hear from you, and we want to make content that is beneficial to you! Let us know what you want to talk about, when something rocks or when it’s wack, specific challenges you’re having from products to techniques to business issues. Help Us Help You! We are you. We’re all artists and we’re all in this together. As you can see on this new site other aspects of Makeup to Go deal with different clientele, but the blog is All Makeup Artistry, All The Time.
We look forward to having you as part of our Makeup to Go fam. Welcome to our humble abode.

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Disclosure: Hey folks, instead of doing sponsored posts, Makeup to Go is a member of ShopMy, Amazon Affiliates, and Skimlinks. If you purchase something via any of our links, we get a lil sumthin sumthin to help us keep running, at no additional cost to you. Thanks much!
© 2019 – 2024, Tania. All rights reserved.